I assist my clients in furnishing their homes in two ways. First, if you are looking for furnishings that are unique and not "cookie cutter" I can offer you great furniture available through Decors By Daniel from well known brands and from manufacturers that produce some of the most unique pieces in the world. This is your most creative option because of the enormous range of choices I have available to me.
From those resources we can work together to designing custom furniture, select unique pieces from all price ranges and help select the best fabrics and leathers. In this case I act as the retailer and can give you a reduction in designer fees when you purchase furniture through me. The second way I assist clients in selecting furniture and accessories is to go shopping with them at their favorite home furniture store. In this case, I go with you to local furniture retailers and can help you select furnishings with the most creativity possible resulting in a much more unique design that results in a designer feel. Whether its one piece to finish a room or furniture for a whole house I can help you select furniture that works and looks great with attention to style and proper scale for each space. With a designer's eye, I can help you achieve a furnishing result that is creative, interesting and harmonious.Blueprint and Home Planning Services